Incline Peak, Mt. Rose Highway, NV

I finally got a chance to go for a little tour with a new friend in Reno! We picked the perfect sleepy, sneaky powder day. We started around 11am, there were plenty of parking spaces, and we had the best window. Some people were finishing up their tours, no one else was heading up at the same time as us, and we skied fresh pow with no one else around!

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Brohm Ridge, Squamish, BC

First time sled skiing! Kelsea did amazing doubling me up to the sledding/ sled skiing zone. Only jumped off the sled one time. Lessons learned - counter steering is counterintuitive, sledding is a full body activity, you have to lean so much more than anticipated, side hills are a challenge.

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Coney's Ridge, Crested Butte, CO

It is always so nice to go back to Colorado. This year was a slow start to the ski season so conditions were a little crunchy for ski touring. Nonetheless, we checked out Coney’s Ridge.

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Elgood, Rossland, BC

Justin and I had plans to get out skiing with some friends but plans change and plans changed for the sillier. Justin packed up his ski boards (apparently, these in particular, are not ski blades) and decided that the backcountry is the best place to try them out for the first time.

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Record Ridge and Mount Roberts, Rossland, BC

Gangs mostly back together! Owen and Gabriella are back; Erin is in town! Incredibly lucky to have a gorgeous and dense Kootenay Sea on our first slack country of the year. My first time up Record Ridge and Mount Roberts in the winter!

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Kirkup, Rossland, BC

We got up to a lot of night skiing this winter. Super lucky to be able to tour almost out the front door. Tonight, we went up Mount Kirkup.

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Mount Crowe, Rossland, BC

We got wonderful local tour guides (our buddy Tavis and his dad) to take us up Mount Crowe! Despite the snow looking amazing, conditions were mixed.

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Lepsoe Cabin, Rossland, BC

First day skiing in BC was a win! Also my first day skiing with Justin. To prove to him that I am a good skier, I double edjected out of my pin bindings on a road!!

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Berthoud Pass, Winter Park, CO

I love my family. I’m very lucky to get to go ski touring with my parents on Christmas. We did a casual walk up Berthoud and a short semi early season ski down.

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Caribou, Eldora, CO

Sometimes it’s funny to write these little posts in retrospect. When Tai, Zack and I did this little tour on New Years Eve, I had just purchased my touring set up and didn’t have beacon or a shovel or a probe (very essential items). Zack made sure to bring me back up items just in case. Though we were touring in an area with low avalanche risk on a low risk day, it’s good to be safe! Thankful for good friends.

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