Yosemite Falls, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, NV | 7.4mi, 3225ft

Reservation systems to hike! How silly, but it is what it is. We drove into Yosemite before 5am to skip the reservation. We were recommended an excellent, private and free secret camp spot just outside the gate 🤐 which made the early wake up much easier! We drove in in the dark and parked near Camp 4 to take a nap until sunrise.

The hike up Yosemite Falls starts strong with a sweeping view of Half Dome.


Yosemite Falls was running quite dry and with the wind the water wasn’t quite making it to the ground. We marveled at the trail work required to build the trail networks in the national park. Imagine laying all those steps and bushwacking up!


From the top, we walked down to the view point but didn’t see much due to the low water levels.



On our way down, we ran into some folks going up to canyoneer down! New to-do list item unlocked.

After the hike we drove over to the meadow below El Cap and admired the Cathedral and the Nose. What a place to come back to some day.



Written on August 11, 2024