Thunder Mountain Loop, Kirkwood, CA | 11.7mi, 2480ft
Starting at 2pm during a heat wave, even in the mountains, is not the best idea. We did it anyway! Overall, a gorgeous loop.
Castle Rock Trail was tricky to find in places at the start due to a large burn area. Pedaling in soft ash in very hot dry air was not the best, but the views at the top of this section were lovely.
It was so cool to see Kirkwood in the summer and we had a great time identifying what we had ski and what we want to ski.
The climb up to the top of the Sentinels was a bit of a hike a bike.
All down hill from here!
- Total time: 2:58:07
- Moving time: 2:24:54
- Total ascent: 2480 ft (756 m)
- Total distance: 11.7 mi (18.84 km)
Written on July 5, 2024