Monica Meadows, Purcells, BC | 9.8km, 694m
Nearing our time to say a temporary good bye.
One more hike in BC before heading down south. Very lucky to spend a weekend with our buddy Owen enjoying some crisp fresh air. We spent the night in Glacier Creek Regional Park.
Our goal was to do a little fall hike and do some larch spotting. Boyyy did views deliver. Not only did we find larches, but we also found the first snow of the year!
Fun fact - did you know larch needles are edible? Something to keep in your back pocket next time you’re out for a hike and looking for a snack.
The arch you can see in the distance is called “Hole in the Wall” arch. Justin had the chance to climb it earlier in the year! Very loose.
We were even lucky to catch up with our friend, Ash (check out her photos)!
After the hike we drove down to Duncan Lake and took a dunk. In low water, you can drive right down onto the beach.