Mount Loki, Purcells, BC | 12.22km, 1358m
Loki – certainly a god of michief, a trickster. Justin and I did not intend to do this hike twice but we had to. The first time we went up, it was full on fall weather. Cold and cloudy.
First Attempt
We took the ferry across Kootenay lake to get to the trail. Little did we know we would take this ferry 4 times in one weekend.
The drive over to the trailhead was beautiful! We passed over Loki creek and caught a nice waterfall. (Of course, Justin wondered if it was canyoneer-able).
Loki did not lack in fall colors.
Spotting Loki for the first time.
As we ascended, we quickly climbed up into a cloud and temperatures dropped. At this moment, we had thought we reached the summit. There was a little trail emblem at what we thought was the top. We marveled at the golfball views on top of the ridgeline summit. We decided it was time to go down and warm up.
… then the true Loki summit showed itself.
At that point, we had already started walking down and decided it wasn’t worth going up to the top. The rest of the hike down, we chatted about how we’d go up next summer when weather was nice. When we got to the bottom, we had decided that we would actually do it two days later instead…
Second Attempt
… and it was a good thing we did! We had perfect summer weather that coming Sunday. We actually were able to see what views we had missed on Friday!
Random quartz band of rocks at the beginning of the class 3 scramble.
Though the trail never mentions the scramble getting harder than class 3, some of it certainly felt like class 4. High exposure.
Once we made it to the actual real summit, we looked back and saw the false summit we had been on two days prior.
The summit views were well worth the repeated hike.