Gwillim Lakes, Valhallas, BC | 11.75km, 827m
Gwillim Lakes! A place we’ll certainly be returning to. I love driving into the Valhallas and trying to identify which mountains we have seen before from a different angle.
The first 2km of the FSR up to the Gwillim Lakes/ Drinnon Pass trailhead are rough and I (along with every guide page) would recommend having a high-clearance vehicle to get up.
We did see a Honda Civic at the top, though, so who am I to say.
The hike passes by a climb that we are dying to come back and do - Slabadabadoo (5.7, 8 pitches). Along the way up to the lakes, we’re surrounded by tall walls with what looks like really high quality rock.
The first lake we walk by is called Drinnon Lake (1.8km in). There is a camp spot here and seems like it would be a great place to take young kids on a short backpacking trip.
The second lake we come across doesn’t seem to have a name but the camp spot is named Wicca and is right as we are cresting Drinnon Pass.
We pass a third unnamed lake and marvel at the waterfall coming down from Gwillim Lakes.
And finally, make it to Gwillim Lakes where Justin took a chilly dip. The peak seen in the background is Lucifer Peak - we plan on doing this next time as well.
On the return trip, we circumnavigated Gregorio Peak once more.
The hike at a leisurely pace took us about 3:15. On the drive home, we checked out Little Slocan and found a peaceful lake.