Mount Gimli, Valhallas, BC | 10.93km, 1605m

We woke up late on Saturday morning and decided it was a totally fine idea to drive 2.5 hours out to do a quick scramble of Mount Gimli. Nothing like a quick afternoon scramble into the alpine!

Joanne and I discovered the best little pit toilet at the trailhead.


Here was my first full view of the Valhalla provincial park.


Here was my first view of Gimli! I can’t wait to come back next summer and do some climbing out here with Justin. He, of course, has already climbed Gimli. :)


The rock types and texture were so diverse along this scramble. I learned that Joanne studied geology and I pestered her about what kind of rocks we were looking at the rest of the way up.


Joanne found the most scenic spot to hang out and wait while Tavis, Justin, and I scrambled to the summit.


The summit scramble looks quite vertical and bare from the bottom…


… and some parts were, but some parts were very ledgy.


Hi, Joanne!


Hi, Justin, Tavis, and Ksenia!


From the scramble, you can see Mulvey lakes. Apparently you can hike into these lakes, but it is prime grizzly habitat.


Gimli’s valley used to be a massive glacier. You can see that when the glacier receded, it scratched the rock (glacier striations).


We finished the hike during golden hour.


Goodnight, Gimli!


Written on October 1, 2022